Open evening!!!!!
Hi Everybody!
Did you come to Open Evening?
It was amazing. Me (Aaliyah) toured people around the school. It was very good showing people the school so they would get the experience of seeing what Tudor Grange Academy is like. Also me (Ruby) helped out in english with Miss Lees and fellow students!
Aaliyah - To start off, I met the people I was to show around by Reception. I took them around the school very slowly, focusing on the key areas they wanted to go to. The main areas people were interested in were English, P.E, Drama, Music, Computer Rooms and the Cooking classrooms. My favourite part of the evening was the fact that lots of my friends were helping too and I got to walk around with my friends. I had to remember some facts such as the times of our split lunches and what's on the menu! Lots of people were really interested and asked lots of questions.
Ruby - My role on Open Evening was to help in English. We had to help the year 6 students make up Shakespeare style insults and have a mock argument where we practiced voice control. There was a room with sensory work focused on Roald Dahls work. The atmosphere was lively and it was really busy. I was pleased to be helping out. Towards the end, I got to go to see other departments in the school. I went to science where I saw some Year 6's and their parents using the Bunsen burners and experimenting with chemicals!
Overall, it was a fantastic end to the day! We were delighted to show off the great things that go on!
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