6 Ways to Organise Your Things!
Hello there!
Today's blog post is all about how to organise your things for the months ahead, as end of year tests are coming up! So I have 7 tips on how to keep your wardrobe, revision and bedroom organised for the Summer :)
1) Use all the colour you have!
So if you personally know me, you will know that I absolutely love colour and I think that we colour because... Why not? But I also think that colour can help us revise better. Did you know it is scientifically proven that colour helps us memorise things more fluently? Yep, that's right. You can use highlighters, coloured pens, crayons, or even different colour papers to help you memorise you revision - whether that is for you FA's or GCSE's :)
2) Storage is key!
If you are going to gather all this colourful madness, you need to at least keep it somewhere tidy so you can easily get to it everyday. You could use mini drawers, pots, boxes, or even your old toilet paper holders to dazzle up your pens and equipment!
3) If you want it, spend it!
If you really want to give your pencil cases a makeover, then you may need to spend a little too much out of your price zone... but it's worth it if it is gonna help you with your exams. You could buy your favourite pens and everything you need, then buy a nice pencil case to put it all in :)
4) Seasonal Sort-Out!
Okay so now the Summer is coming, you need to get rid of your Winter clothes fast! Obviously not ACTUALLY THROW AWAY your Winter-wear but just move them into storage while the sun is here - it really helps with finding the perfect outfit easier :)
5) Colour Code your Wardrobe!
Now there is a new season here, so almost everybody needs to sort out some of their clothes - and what better way to do that by colour-coding! You could (but not precisely, because that's weird) sort out your wardrobe by putting your clothes roughly in colour-by-colour (blue, pink, ect.) and so on. This is quite a nice way to sort out you clothes if day-to-day you want to wear a specific colour.
6) Bedside Prioritise!
It is just me or does everyone have a giant pile of things on their bedside table? Mine ranges from different drinks I haven't finished, books, my phone, pens and hand creams galore :) One way to organise your bedside table is that you could have a draw for books, notepads, ect; and keep your essentials on your table (phone, water bottle).
Thank you guys! I hope you learned of few things from this blog, I certainly did :) Even though it is half term (yay!) I will still be posting next week on Thursday with an exciting Lush review!
Love you all! -Glamour Girl x
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