
Showing posts from July, 2016

News and Updates: Farewell!

Hello!   This blog post is sadly the last one of the school year :(( I literally can't believe I've been running my blog for almost a year, remind me to do a big celebratory post for that!    But this post will just be me briefly telling you what’s going to happen on the blog in the next few months or so :) I was going to post weekly or every few days in the holidays, but unfortunately I didn't have a lot of time and I spent my spare time on the Summer project. But my goal for next years blog will be to post a lot more! I also have a lot more blog post ideas for next year: Interviewing MORE people about MORE things, lots of DIY's and hacks, and also just a lot more content in general with more college blog posts. I also want to say that the monuments the tutors built were AMAZING! Especially Mrs Allaway's tutor who made 'The Valley of the Fallen' and you could easily see that they spent a lot of time and put a lot of effort into it! So

101 Things to do this Summer!

  Hey hey hey!   Can't you believe it's the last week of the school year?! I certainly can't, and today I am gonna be posting one of the BIGGEST blog posts I have uploaded. Remember the project I was telling you about?.. Well this is it! I hope you enjoy the last EVER blog post of this year, 101 Things to do this Summer!         Listen to music    Make Lemonade (yum) from scratch    Go camping    Invite a friend over   Write a short story    Have a sleepover    Go to the beach    Try a food you've never had before    Make and perform a dance routine Go on a shopping trip    Have an all-nighter    Have a pyjama day    Have a barbecue    Have a water fight (water balloons, guns, etc.)    Bake cupcakes    Go to the cinema   Go trampolining    Play a board game    Make your own ice lollies    No electronics day    Make smoothies    Read a novel start to finish   Eat lots of Ice Cream   Go bowling