101 Things to do this Summer!

Hey hey hey! 
Can't you believe it's the last week of the school year?! I certainly can't, and today I am gonna be posting one of the BIGGEST blog posts I have uploaded. Remember the project I was telling you about?.. Well this is it! I hope you enjoy the last EVER blog post of this year, 101 Things to do this Summer! 
Listen to music  
Make Lemonade (yum) from scratch  
Go camping  
Invite a friend over 
Write a short story  
Have a sleepover  
Go to the beach  

Try a food you've never had before  
Make and perform a dance routine Go on a shopping trip  
Have an all-nighter  
Have a pyjama day  
Have a barbecue  
Have a water fight (water balloons, guns, etc.)  
Bake cupcakes  

Go to the cinema 
Go trampolining  
Play a board game  
Make your own ice lollies  
No electronics day  
Make smoothies  

Read a novel start to finish 
Eat lots of Ice Cream 
Go bowling  
Play Truth or Dare  
Go Stargazing  
Blow Bubbles  
Have a long bike ride  
Do some yoga  

Go swimming on holiday or with friends  
Play football  
Have a mid-day nap  
Watch a movie  
Walk barefoot through grass or sand  
Paint your nails  

Go to bed early  
Skype call a friend (HAS TO BE OVER AN HOUR)  
Prank calls  
Bubble Bath  
Bubble Bath WITH a bath bomb  
Do some colouring 
Go to the park  
Have a movie marathon with friends  
Do some sketching  
Take lots of photos  

Make some smoothies  
Document your whole Summer in a journal  
Sleep with a window open  
Play computer games 
Help your parents with jobs around the house  
Tidy your room  
Have a BBQ  
Go to the zoo  
Have a picnic in the park  
Dance in the rain  
RAOK (Random Acts of Kindness) 
Play charades  
Hoola-Hooping !!  

Try to cook a meal  
Have a game night with family  
Play 'I spy...'  
Go out for dinner  
Do a puzzle  
Listen to music  
Film a video with friends  
Sit in a paddling pool  
Play Would you Rather...  
Have a walk  
Learn something new  
Add the latest songs to your playlist  
Sort out your social media  
Try out a new hairstyle  

Go clothes shopping - or shopping in general  
Watch some TV  
Have a pillow fight  
Watch YouTube  
Have a temporary tattoo  
Visit relatives  
Go through a drive-thru restaurant (fast food)  
Try some DIY's  
Have a buffet for dinner  
Visit a wood or forest  
Get your hair cut  
Send a postcard to friends  
Go window-shopping  
Enjoy the great outdoors - and the hopeful sun  
Watch the stars at night  

Go to/throw a party  
Do something for money  
Go out with a friend  
Organise something  
Set goals for your next school year Eat new/delicious food  
Go on a day out with family  
Eat lots of fruit  
Play card games  
Explore some new places  
Spend lots of time with family and loved ones  
Relax !
- By the way, I am sorry if I have repeated a few of these, but it will be okay!
I can't believe I'm saying this for the last time this school year... But that's it for this week! This is the last proper blog post from me, but on Thursday night I will be uploading just some news and things about what's coming up on my blog next year :) 
Adios from Tudor Grange Madrid! 
-Glamour Girl X
