The This or That Tag!

Hey Guys! 
This weeks post will be the ‘This or That’ tag  which is actually quite fun if I say so myself:) 
So I will basically be asked lots of questions and I have to answer only one of them… If it's like, EXTREMELY hard then I will unfortunately have to answer with both options. (It is really hard to explain so I might as well just get on with it) Lets get to the questions! 

Makeup or No Makeup? 
Probably makeup, but I try not to wear makeup when I don’t have to. 

Heavy Eyes or Heavy Lips? 
Heavy lips, I don’t really go wild with the eyeshadow :) 

Pink or Blue? 
Ummmm… Both? But if I'd have to pick one it would be pink.  

Fries or Fruit? 
Ahhhhh! Both. There are times when you eat kilos Rams of fruit but then sometimes you want a cheeky MacDonalds :) 

Music or Books? 
Like the last question, both. I swear, this question is so hard!  

Jeans or Dresses? 
Summer = Dresses. Any other time = Jeans :/ 

Cats or Dogs? 
Mmm, dogs. Their faces just make me cringe. In a GOOD way that is, not because they look like something you wouldn’t want to see… 

Tea or Coffee? 
I don't drink coffee, so definitely tea :) 

Hot or Cold drinks? 
I don't know – mostly cold. 

Sweet or Salty popcorn? 
SweeeetYou always need a sweet tooth; haha. 

Lip Balm or Lipstick? 
Lip Balm – Lip Stick only for special occasions, like weddings or something. 

Peanut Butter or Nutella? 
Peanut Butter is okay, but… Did you say Nutella?!  

Hair Up or Hair Down? 
Both. Sometimes I want my hair up or sometimes I want it down. 

Day or Night? 
I would probably prefer night because even though you can go places in day you get to sleep and have sleepovers at night :) I also really like to look up at the night sky so that’s kind of cool! *Insert cheeky thumbs up here* 

Summer or Winter? 
Both. Reasons I like Summer: no school, hot days , ice cream, um MY NAME IS SUMMER, and the summer nights... Reasons I like Winter: CHRISTMAS, blankets and hot chocolate, new year, snow, and maybe the fact I have an excuse to stay in bed all day :) 

OKAY GUYS so I hope you liked this post!! I am sorry it wasn't really long and well planned BUT I am planning a super-long blog for next week; so keep your pretty eyes peeled for that! 
Love Ya, 
Glamour Girl x
