'The Experimenter' Lush Bath Bomb Review!
Hey there! I hope you are having a WONDERFUL half term so far! Comment down below what you've done/what you are doing this week! This weeks blog post is - as you can tell by the obvious title - 'The Experimenter' Bath Bomb Review! I got two of these for my birthday and ever since I tried them I've been obsessed!
Neon colours: Fuchsia Pink, Aqua Blue, Orange and Electric Purple - along with some
white. I would probably rate this about an 8/10 because the colours mix a little when
it's in the solid Bath Bomb form; I know that Lush can't help that but still :)
The smell is basically just like a normal bath bomb, which is bland and boring (sorry, my opinion), but it also smells a little perfume-y which is what I like about it. I can rate this smell probably a 6.5/10 - it would be higher if there was a 'themed' smell to it?? I don't know, I am just making suggestions :)
A little glittery, quite neon and colourful - which I like! I can easily rate my first impression on the appearance a 9 out of 10.
Quite foamy when just dropped in the water, REALLY bubbly which is probably what everyone likes in a Lush Bath Bomb. The Pink and Purple especially foamed quite a bit as soon as it hit the water which showed the 'NEONESS' of it (I made that word up by the way, it means NEON basically) :) I will rate this a straight 10/10!
After Colour (After the bath bomb has dissolved)
Okay so unfortunately after a beautiful array of rainbows the bath water went, lets say, the colour of your blazer... YES, DARK GREEN!
I thought this ruined it a little because it was quite a boring, dull colour after it was really bright and neon... you could say it destroyed the NEONESS! 4.5/10!
Okay so that is the end of this blog post! Next week will be normal but from the week after I might just post small posts because it's the end of year exams! But don't worry, towards the Summer Holidays will be some GIANT summer blog posts :)
SEEB YOU THEN! -Glamour Girl x
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