Mad about Hamsters!

Mad about hamsters!

Hi again again again today I am talking about hamsters.
I love hamsters as they are nosy, fun, funny and cute. They are perfect for people that like rodents { like me} ;] I know lots of tips for hamsters, like to stop bar chewing put vegetable oil on the bars. If you put in the comment section a problem that you have with your hamster, I can help! They are very active creatures at night and day but mostly at night! I have a maze for my hamster, he has learnt it off by heart {NNNNOOOOOOOOO } I had to make a new maze for him! He even has a sand bath, a whole outside hutch and it is nice to watch him {he is so cute }       


He has a castle cage!      


 Nice talking to you again! Please oh please put a comment for another animal {I can’t think of any other}. Thank you for reading this post.

Crazy Hopping Bunny signing out!


  1. Such a beautiful hamster. Very interesting that you can prevent cage nibbling.


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