
Showing posts from March, 2016

Jack and The Beanstalk Trip Report from P6 Books and Beyond

We recently went to see Jack and The Beanstalk at the Alexandria. It was a very enjoyable experience because it was very funny and involved the crowd a lot. We were surprised to see that when Jack came onto the stage he was being played by a girl. However, we easily came to like this unique change. We thought she had a very high quality of acting. We were also a fan of the fact that it was different. However, some people were overheard saying that they found the female Jack strange as they found it difficult to remember that she was playing a man. This got us thinking about men playing women in pantomimes.   This is easily accepted whereas women playing men is not seen as positively. During William Shakespeare’s times, females were not allowed to act in plays. This may have influenced modern day people’s views on women playing men.   However, we dislike the fact women playing men is not as easily accepted as men playing women. We also did not like the fact that her outfits

Brownie recipe

Hiiii, again I know I enjoy my music however I also have another!!! I  love cooking  especiall y  cooking.So  today  i  thought I will share my  favorite re cipe   .....    Ingredients:   80g of butter   40g unsweetened cocoa    145g caster sugar   2 eggs    60g plain flour    ½  baking powder   100g of chocolate chips     Equipment:   Bowl   Baking tray    Sp atula   Spoon    Oven  gl oves   Lunch box   Method=   1.Grease a shallow baking tin and line with baking paper.   2.Melt the butter in a saucepan then stir in cocoa and  sugar  and eggs.   3.sift the  flour, baking  powder and a pinch of salt into the saucepan and then stir to combine .Add the chocolate chips.   4.pour the mixture into  the tin and bake for 30 minutes or until inserted skewer  comes out clean.   5.allow to cool in  the  tin, then  remove and cut into brownie  pieces.   This is a great  re cip

The Happiness Tag :)

The Happiness Tag ♡   ~ 17.03.16.     Hola !   How are you all doing this fine day?? I hope you are all enjoying Saint Patrick's day, even though none of us are probably Irish :) Today’s blog post is slightly different to my usual beauty/makeup sort of t hings. This week I am doing ‘The Happiness Tag’!   If you don’t know what a Happiness Tag is, it is where there are a few questions about happiness and you basically have to answer them, it’s quite simple. Okay I have the questions right in front of me at this exact moment, so shall we get started?     1~ What food makes you happy?   Okay, so everybody loves food. It’s obvious. If you didn’t like food you probably wouldn’t be alive right now if you weren’t forced food down your throat. But some foods can be better than others, and some can bring you happiness. Maybe from a personal memory – or it may just be your favourite food. Chocolate is the food that makes me happy; and that’s a personal memory and bec