Cool things to do with your EOS
Hello……’s me
Anyway hi again it’s socialhairflair here and today I’m going
to tell you a few things you can do with you EOS for any of you Eos lovers.
1 eyelash lengtheners
Are you one of those people who have really short eyelashes
but want them to be longer ? then grab your Eos and get scrubbing but WAIT!
Before you do anything wash those dirty eyelashes of even if there not dirty
it’s always good to wash away any of those little bugs. After that close your
eyes and gently rub your Eos over your eyelashes and your done. By the way it
may feel a little sticky but it will dry within 5 minuets. You can also use
Vaseline it works the same.
2 dry heels no problem
The second hack is if you have dry feet or heels. If you
ever have dry heels then this is what your going to need to do. First of all
you will need to wash your feet or just make sure your feet are clean and that
goes if you want to use an EOS anywhere else because you don’t want to create
the cheesy feet EOS do you. After there clean just rub your EOS over your feet
then put a fluffy sock on or any normal sock then your done. By the way any of
these hacks can be used with Vaseline and coconut oil I think but definitely Vaseline.
This is also good if you want to put some shoes on that just don’t want to
cooperate just rub any of those products on your feet and they should slip
right in.
3 Random things
Here are just a few things that you can do with an EOS
You cant use it to slide your ring of and slide your earing
Clean your glasses from the inside then wipe away.
Use as an eyebrow jell.
Use after a paper cut.
Use for dry hands and elbows.
And finally use it as an EOS
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